I'll be in Philadelphia this week for the centennial meeting of the Association of American Geographers. I'm going for work but I'll see lots of friends from all over. The conference hotel is right next to the Reading Terminal Market as well as Chinatown so I expect to be several pounds heavier by Friday.
The movie marquee is courtesy of LetterJames, which has a number of motifs to choose from.
I love this shot! Ha! Geographers with Bad Reputations. This totally made my day. I mean that.
So are you a geographer?
(I'm writing a novel with a geographer character, so this explains my enthusiasm. Sort of.)
Posted by: karrie | 17 March 2004 at 08:12 PM
So wait a minute...you saw a book about the history of gum at a geographers' conference? Interesting.
Posted by: corie | 19 March 2004 at 09:54 AM
I have a degree in geography! I'm more of a weather/climate person than a real geographer though.
The chewing gum book is by Michael Redclift, a geographer at King's College London. He has an article about gum in Sociologica Ruralis (you may need a subscription, I'm accessing via Columbia, to get access).
Posted by: joe | 19 March 2004 at 08:54 PM