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01 April 2004


J. Nathan Matias

I was just in Philly doing some research. I saw the mosaics as well. Took a few photos.

Just a few blocks away is the site of the first time American militia fired artillery upon American citizens.


They're pretty cool aren't they? I didn't know that about the militia firing on citizens. When did that occur?


These mosaics are beautiful, thank you for sharing them!

J. Nathan Matias

July, 1844. There was a several day standoff, and rioters nearly killed a militia captain with his own sword, causing the militia members to fire at them. It was a bloody night, and both sides had cannon.


Thanks for posting the mosaic art.
Very nice mosaic designs.



The collection of outdoor mosaics in Philadelphia are a public treasure in a city full of timeless architecture, as well as a formidable history of artistic design and expression. Amazing and eye opening, the glittering mosaics lie in the heart of the community as a testament to the truly unique artistry and diversity that make Philadelphia one of the greatest cities to live in and visit.

Gaul Law

I think these outdoor mosaics are fascinating. They really should be treated as a public treasure, and hopefully they are. Other states that I've lived in don't have anything close to these, unless you count graffiti.

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