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30 June 2004


Marie Carnes

Very cool. I love that you found the book and "blogged" it on the web. If (Mr.?) Riepma were taking on this endeavor today, instead of a book, or better yet, as an accompaniment to his book, he might have a speciality weblog called "The Margarine Blog." Only question, would Peter, Alan and Jack be banned from the comments.


Thanks! My dream of course would be for any of the three to read this page and tell us their side of the story.


So, just what is the history of Margarine? Looking forward to the deep insights of margarine VS. butter debate. Or is there one anymore??


Yes, well, I've been skimming through the book and it is much more interesting than I would have thought. Once I get through the book I'm currently reading I'll start on the Story of Margarine and post chapter summaries here.

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