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21 October 2004



I really wanted to go to the town hall thing, those town hall pics were awesome. I enjoy your site, very awesome pics. good paterns.


Thanks! I forgot to mention this in my post but you can see Paul Shambroom's photos at http://www.paulshambroomart.com/ and his prints are on view at the Julie Saul Gallery (535 W 22nd St in Manhattan) through December 4th. He mentioned that his prints are really big, five feet across or more so seeing them in a gallery will be a much different experience than viewing them online.


you are a real cream puff joe!

I should put all my midwest deindustrialization images up--photo (but not yet blogging) the midwest for 25 years!


Of all the entries I read in photoblogs about that get together, this is the first mention of the big dis we midwesterners got.
I'm in the midwest (grand rapids, michigan) which is actually what landed me at this here site of yours...a google search...oh, nevermind.
Anyway, hey, yeah...midwestern "photobloggers" exist.
I think.
Well, I do anyway.


Great photos Em. Almost makes me want make a return visit to Detroit.

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