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09 November 2004



Being chased by hollow legs are what my nightmares are made of. No, not really. But, great little story about the hipster couple. You're a man after my own heart for the fact that you considered sending them to Chinatown. Even though you didn't actually go through with it. But still.


Yikes - I noticed that shop back in May and took a some pictures, too, during which I convinced myself that the store HAD to be closed.

In case you are interested, here are my pictures of the lovely Lismore Hosiery Shop:

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person sucked in by that place. I have a thing for bad window displays - in the extreme off chance that you are interested, I also have some pictures of a bad window display from a medical supply store West Hollywood: http://www.xanga.com/DavisMcDavis/215699361/item.html

d f mander

The store building is now sold. The storekeeper once told me that 7 years ago, a bird found its way into the window display, knocked over everything and ripped some of the hosiery. He never got around to properly cleaning the display up. Weird.


Ugh those hipsters sound so annoying. Thank god they weren't looking for my part of the LES. I would have send them on a never-ending trip down East Broadway.


Actually I just remembered a time that I was standing on the corner of 5th Avenue and 8th Street and a woman asked me where Greenwich Village was. Ha ha.

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