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18 January 2005



seems like it would take forever to make that.


It goes pretty quick unless you're photographing the process.

Plus, the hot chocolate freezes well, so you can make extra.


i know this sounds crazy, but hole-y bread like that is great for making grilled sandwiches. bits of the cheese melts thru the holes and gets crispy, brown and yummy. you could almots use the same exact ingrediants for a variation on a Croque Monsieur (turkey, swiss and chutney.) chow!

Marie C.

Joe, one thing I've learned about you is that you do enjoy your food. This all looks and sounds so good.


It is a wonder I don't weigh 400 pounds.

I'll have to give the grilled cheese a try. I've been eating the bread with cheese from the Union Square greenmarket.


You are making me hungry. I want to go buy a candy bar from the machine, but I have a $100 bill and two cents. Very frustrating!


i feel so sorry for jeff.

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