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03 October 2005



I don't really have anything to say, except I'm impressed there's a street called "Frederick Douglass," and how the streets are a history lesson.


Yes, north of Central Park 6th, 7th and 8th Avenues have been renamed Malcolm X, Adam Clayton Powell, and Frederick Douglass Boulevards, respectively.

To complicate matters, before it was renamed Malcolm X Blvd, 6th Avenue was renamed Lenox Ave. after James Lenox, whose private library was eventually combined with John Jacob Astor's library to form the New York Public Library. Most people still call the street Lenox Ave.

There is yet another complication, but I forgot to take photos today so that it can be explained!

the crossfader

uptown's great.

j Ro

I've been on 117th and Fredrick Douglas for two years, and the only coffee/donut cart I've seen has been on Lenox and 116th next to Conway and the 2/3 stop. When was this coffee cart pic taken?


The coffee cart appeared two weeks ago. This week they moved slightly to the 116th side of the corner. And, cold drinks are now cold.

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