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09 October 2005




This is the site of Grimbergen bier. It is in Dutch but you can choose French also, if it is not a problem.
Anyway; Grimbergen is great beer and it is fun to read that you can enjoy it in the USA, never knew that before.
I even have a friend who's family name is Grimbergen ! Can you imagine how often we get Grimbergen in the house over there


zoe thinks the mousy is cute.

emma says,"did you see a paperclip?"

judy says, "yummy looking fries!"

dan says, "the hotdog looks good"


That mouse is the CUTEST!!!!!!!!!!!

What strikes me, though, is how long its tail is compared to its body. That's not your usual domestic "live in the walls" house mouse. It's something wild.


I did see the paperclip. That's very observant of Emma.

The long tail made me wonder if this was a baby rat, but it doesn't otherwise look like a rat.


Oh!! He/she is very tiny!! He/she very cute! ->w<-

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