Central Park was nearly empty this morning. Granted it was only seven o'clock, but there's usually more people there when I go for a bike ride. Balto stands in the southeastern portion of the park, not far from the Children's Zoo. If you've seen the movie you know that Balto was part of a sled dog team that carried diptheria serum from Nenana to Nome in January 1925. Following that run, which saved the lives of Nome's children, Balto and his fellow dogs became international celebrities. The statue in Central Park was dedicated in 1926 in recognition of Balto's achievement.
Like many overnight celebrities, Balto's fling with fame was fleeting. He was soon relegated to appearing in a peep show in Los Angeles, where for ten cents you, if you were male, could see Balto and other dogs. A Cleveland businessman was outraged at the dog's treatment and bought the seven sled dogs with funds raised by Clevelanders young and old. The dogs were brought them to Cleveland with a parade and hero's welcome in Public Square. The dogs lived out their days at the Brookside Zoo. Balto is currently on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. How come my Cleveland friends never told me about this?
I needed a bit of Alaska to cool off today. For more Alaska Jeff and Ann have made their way to Fairbanks.
My friend Laney Salisbury and her cousin Gay wrote a book a couple years ago about Balto -- and the whole diptheria race. The Cruelest Miles. Worth a read.
Posted by: Amy | 02 July 2006 at 08:12 PM
Thanks, I'll have to check it out.
Posted by: Joe | 03 July 2006 at 08:45 AM
Is this a kids book or adult? I was thinking it would be good for the school library. The kids love stories about dog heros.
Another good dog story is Hachiko of Japan.
Posted by: judy | 03 July 2006 at 08:59 AM