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17 June 2007



I remember the top one. That train sounded like it was going thru the living room. Did you see any Lillian Gish movies while you were there?


Joe, I loved the details that you wrote into this. I could picture the woman's tie-dyed shirt. I could hear the door banging in the wind, feel trains shaking the house.

Marie Carnes

Nice trip down memory lane. Even with the state of various disrepairs, I would have preferred the second apartment over the first. It just has more charm. Glad you came out of that fall in tact. I'd hate to think of you withering away in a Bowling Green nursing home all these years. ;)


Gish Theater coming soon!

If the house weren't falling apart it would have been a pleasant place to live. Had I not moved away I probably would have bought a place in that neighborhood.

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