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11 November 2007



The pictures were supposed to be bigger than that! :(


Okay, now the pictures are bigger. Not sure I like this template though.


Don't know if there's a name other than "horsie rides," but when I saw them, I said/asked: "What About The Plastic Animals?" :-)


I saw one today that had the name of the rental company, Aardvark Amusements, spray-painted on the side. Aardvark calls them kiddie rides. I guess kiddie rides is it.


one is not plugged in

does the other one work?

looks like a children's version of a one armed bandit

bet kids cry every time those things do not start up


I have a horse just like the pink one, wanting to sell it, how muc are they worth, mine is a 1992 model works great and in great shape?

Marla Sampson

Hi am looking to purchace a key to fit the money box. Anyone know where to purchase one

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