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23 January 2008



Isn't there a restaurant off that road on the right? And a summer theatre nearby?


Love the road.

"The American Pie Council (APC) is the only organization committed to preserving America's pie heritage and promoting American's love affair with pies. Designed to raise awareness, enjoyment and consumption of pies..."

I wasn't aware that awareness needed to be raised. I mean, I'm pretty much already aware of pies, the enjoyment and consumption thereof.


Except for a couple of tiny hamlets there wasn't much happening for the next several miles. It is a busy summer recreation area so it wouldn't surprise me if there were a summer theater along the road.

I'm also pretty aware of pies. Who wouldn't be? What I'm not as familiar with is the National Pie Council - I linked to an old version of the Pie Day announcement. Here's the correct page.


I noticed, bless their clogged little hearts and arteries, that the website doesn't mention calories or saturated fat that tends to accumulate in pies.

Were it not for those two little, tiny, minor flaws of pies, I would eat pie(s) morning, noon and night. I would eat them from a jar, I would eat them in a car. I would eat them with a knife. I would eat them all my life.

I luvz pie.


Are you telling us you love pie?

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