Much as the Manhattan Bridge connects Manhattan with Brooklyn, here are a few links to elsewhere on the enchanted Internet:
"A blogger named Marie" gets name checked on Springfield television.
Tien enjoys a double shackburger.
Garfield, acted out true to the comic strip, with appropriate music video epilogue.
From the aging department, Freak Scene came out twenty years ago (video, live (1991 from the great and sadly unavailable movie 1991: The Year Punk Broke), live (2005)). Note: Should be played as loud as your ears can tolerate. Also note: Contains the f-bomb.
More live action comics! Even better than Garfield! A month of Mary Worth strips faithfully brought to "life". Must be seen to be disbelieved!
Want to hear a master storyteller in action? Listen to this Jean Shepherd show from February 15th, 1962 as he tells the story of his first day of work at the steel mill. The first half of the show may seem a little scattered, but he's setting the stage for the second half. Around twenty minutes in the cadence of his speech changes. A few minutes later he's in an otherworldly storytelling state and you're in the palm of his hands for the rest of the show.
Flash fun with gravity. Build a catapult!
Where are you on the Electoral Compass?
U.S. County Courthouses on Flickr.
Thirsty for a beer and you don't have a bottle opener? Use a chain saw.
Finally, the view out of the office next to my office.