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12 February 2008



I bumped into the turkey over by the 116th St steps last Friday and took some pix. She looked pretty much the same as the turkey that I took pix of last year.

WHile you're in that area, keep an eye for the Cooper's hawk that started hanging around recently.


Haven't seen them yet this year, but I know I will.


Oh, and I think your photo looks just like a turkey ;)


I'll keep a look out for the hawk.

Melissa, you've been seeing lots of animals in plants lately.


Not sure how long how the Cooper's hawk will still be around, if it's still there. Ditto the juvenile red-tail that I saw last week along Morningside Drive; there have been one or two of them in the general area.

Mating season for the adult red-tails will start very soon and they may already be in a mood to chase all the other raptors off.

If you're walking through the park and hear what sounds like a 10-second seagull fight in the treetops, it means that the red-tails just had a quickie.


Hee hee hee :)


I'll definitely be wearing ear plugs.

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