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23 March 2008



Amen, Brother Joe, I'm with you all the way on this one!


me too please. i also want them to stop selling things called iced tea that taste nothing like tea (LIPTON I AM LOOKING AT YOU.)

also to play devil's advocate: brewing it yourself at home saves a lot of money and puts YOU in the driver's seat.


It's an unsweetened, unflavored iced tea revolution!

Brewing at home is an excellent idea, I concur. Sometimes though you find yourself out for a walk and getting thirsty.

Also, I saw this today and need to add to my list:

I do not want plum-pomegranate in my tea. Maybe as a sauce on duck, but not in iced tea.


(To the tune of "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits)

I want my, I want my plain iced tea.
I want my, I want my plain iced tea.


Amen, Joe! I've given up on any tea that I don't make myself.


Sadly, most Americans do not know that tea has flavor when it doesn't have a cup of sugar dumped into it. As for where you can usually get the plain black tea variety of Honest Tea, I recommend the Walgreens on 5th Ave and 33rd St., and Organic Forever on Frederick Douglass and 112th St. If I find others, I'll let you know.

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