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27 May 2008




Ann Z

so, did you ever figure out who the kids belonged to?


The woman that took him away had an accent that was consistent with the flag on his shirt. I'm guessing she was his aunt or mother.


Gorgeous light and shadow, there!
How long did the You a$$ f***ing go on for? Did this start out as a very different composition?


That's a very good question. If you look through my Flickr photos you'll notice that almost every photo is missing people. So, when I saw the kids playing on this sculpture, which was the last sculpture I was going to see, I thought the kids interacting with the art would make a nice counterpoint. I took a couple of pictures, including one as the confrontation, which only took 20-30 seconds, took place. Telling the story while using one of those photos seemed exploitive of the kids, so I opted for the sculpture alone.

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