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20 May 2008



I guess a lot of us were there this weekend ;)

Did you know (you probably do, but I didn't) that those circles in the middle of the ceiling (which can be seen in your picture) used to be chandeliers? Someone just told me that.


This station bugs me. When I wait on the uptown platform I find it hard to check if a train is coming, because of the beams (not visible in this photo.)


Melissa, it was the place to be! I had heard about the chandeliers but didn't know if it was true or not.

Beth, are you one of those people? :)


I told my friend I would have thought it was some kind of access point. Like manhole covers. They pointed out that that'd really suck for the guy who took off the cover and tried to climb down ;) Still, I think it's possible.


No! It just so happens that whenever I am in this station I am LATE for a meeting and an very anxious for the train to arrive. Which is it always slow to do.


Melissa, it's possible for Spiderman, but probably not for us who weren't bitten by radioactive arachnids.

Beth, a watched train never boils. Or something like that.

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