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30 July 2008



I put a couple of ears of corn in a glass pan (6X9"?)add a quarter inch of water, cover it with Saran Wrap and steam it in the microwave for several minutes, until I can smell the fragrance of corn.

I like my corn full of flavor, too.

judy Petrie

5 minutes boiled. I think it depends on the corn - ripeness, variety, when it was picked. The bread and butter corn we had as kids, picked and shucked just moments to eating, was the best in my memory. I think the corn gets starchier if you boil it too long. I don't have roof of that but that's my hypothesis. Perhaps I can suggest that Emma test it for her 4th grade science fair project this year.


It never occurred to me to microwave corn. Now I'll have to give it a try.


My mom microwaves corn, too. I will check how much water she uses, but I actually think she covers it with a water paper towel. She also uses this method to cook string beans, since I like plain string beans--it comes out pretty well.

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