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05 November 2008



I'm sorry you don't feel well. Get better soon!

Yeah, after my three hour voting marathon on Monday, a big chunk of good sunlight, to say nothing of time, was taken out of my planned photohunt to Wheeling, WV. I was exhausted by the time I even left and the day was kind of a wash.

Harlem looked like a pretty good time last night, going by CNN's post-victory announcement footage; I wondered if you were down in that mass of people. Guess not!


i moved after the primaries so before the deadline i sent in my change of address. i realized on monday that i had not received any confirmation in the mail so i went on the ny board of elections website and verified it was received.

so the day of i lookup where my polling station is and i stand in line and they tell me i am not in the book. they take me to another area and look me up in another book and still no luck. at that point they tell me i am registered at the old address and i argue with them showing them the print out from the board of elections.

they finally give me a provisional ballot which does not allow me to go into the booth. arghhh! i had to fill out a bubble-in-sheet on a card table with a line of about ten people looking over my shoulder. yay!

i seal the envelope and sign the outside and when i turn it in they tell me there are no stickers! the only reason i dont submit an absentee ballot is because i want the cute my sticker.

i didnt want stbx, or ben & jerry's, or dunkin. i just wanted my glorious little blue and white oval. i pouted all the way home. it was not a pleasant experience, but at least i voted.


I wanted to be part of the celebration on 125th St. but I just did not have the energy.

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