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19 February 2009



Ha! The girl's remark is priceless. So what was the best moment?

They are really wasting time and taxpayer money haggling over that rock? Why don't they just split the cost to build something in the river where it used to be that will support its weight, and stick the rock and a couple of historical markers out there?


She really did say tourisist, too. The best moment? Meeting the Mad Cookie Maker of Columbus!

The rock battle does seem to have an extra dose of stupid attached to it. If it were my I'd crush it into a million pieces, have faces carved into each little rock, and sell them as souvenirs. On the back of the rock they could print "My parents went to Portsmouth, Ohio and all they got me was this stupid rock."


Oh, how sweet! I'm so glad you came out here and made the time to meet me. Come back any time at all.

I like the way you think; your plan actually makes money instead of spending it. And everybody gets a bit of the rock for their very own. Problem solved!


Next time eat the burger. They are these little bombs of flavor, I will often drive 40 miles from home just for a sack full.


Good to know!

Paul R.

I grew up in Portsmouth but haven't lived there since 1982. I still think about the burgers at the hamburger inn. They start out on their grill as little round balls that they flatten down and the aroma in the restaurant was (is) irresistible. I'm working on a list of my favorite burger places on my blog and would like to use your photo with your permission.


Paul, feel free to use the photo. I'd appreciate a link back to here.

Barbara Quinn

I grew up in Portsmouth (but I have all my teeth and all my chromosomes). Sadly, you missed your chance to have a burger from the Hamburger Inn. A few weeks ago, it closed after more than 50 years of business. Nothing will ever take their place.


Sad to hear that they closed. I heard elsewhere that the shoelace factory also shut down.


That is the saddest thing ever I love the place I will be heart broke forever loosing this wonderful little restaurant maybe someone will buy it and reopen it....

Sharon McGrory

I was born in Portsmouth, but left when I was 6. My dad and I ate many burgers sitting at the counter at the Hambuger Inn. It is one of my fondest and most vivid childhood memories. I lost my dad last March. I just turned 62. Am sad to learn that it closed although I'm surprised it was still open. Am getting really nostalgic in my "old" age and hope to see Portsmouth again.

Steve Lewis

I grew up in Portsmouth too and moved away in 77 for California. I still have many fond memories from that great little town, and some of the old eateries like The Hamburger Inn, Harold's and the Stone Pipe Inn simply were the best. Especially considering all of the franchised restaurants that are around today serve horrible food.

Thanks for the look back at my childhood.

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