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15 April 2009



You make everything sound about twice as interesting as it normally would.

The bucket is certainly large, but doesn't look as large as it seems like it should. At least in photos and as you're whipping past it and glancing up at it from 78.

I'm pleased you stopped and checked this out, as I - obviously - did the Shenendoah thing, and after pulling over for that and praying my way through the rest of 78 ("PLEASE God, let McConnelsville be soon!!") I was in no mood to pull off for this. Especially because I'd have had to fight my way through about 50 bikers up there to get pictures.

I will never drive 78 again.


Why thank you! It's because I'm very interested in giant buckets.

p.s. Yours was comment #3000! Sorry, the prize bucket is empty. :(

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