Every few months I feel the need to read the BG News to catch up on what's happening in Bowling Green. The best thing about the paper is the police blotter, especially when school is in session. Every Friday and Saturday night it is the same parade: underage students getting cited for drinking, fake ID, public urination, or disorderly conduct on either the first couple blocks of North Main St. or East Wooster St. Kids! Howard's Club H is just not that big a deal! The blotter from January 11th is typical.
Once in a while the blotter would be more interesting, like the sole entry on January 12th.
Last week on the train from Chicago I ate dinner with the retired head of Popular Culture at BGSU.
He was bemused as I recounted some of your "adventures."
Posted by: Jeff | 28 January 2011 at 05:46 PM
The academic study of pop culture was started at BGSU! I probably missed my calling by not enrolling in their Ph.D. program but a person's gotta eat.
Posted by: Joe | 01 February 2011 at 09:30 PM