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28 December 2011



Very cool.


The Syracuse version is the best located of the three I've seen. It is still pretty hidden from the public though.


that's one tired looking horse!


You'd be tired too if Abe Lincoln sat on your back for eighty years.

S. McNulty

It's lovely you discovered this sculpture. Perhaps you would be interested in the creator, Anna Hyatt Huntington. There are many descriptions of her work and life, but here is one that is very personal:

http://www.esf.edu/communications/spruce/2005.pdf (go to pages 7-8)

Besides sculpture, the Huntingtons gave another amazing gift to the now State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse: a huge property in the central Adirondacks deeded especially for research. More information on the 15,000 acre field research station can be found here: http://www.esf.edu/aec/facilities/hwf.htm and there is a book too.

Feel free to contact me with questions and enjoy your photographic forays.


Hi, I recently came back from a trip to Salzburg, Austria where I found another copy of this statue. It was gifted to them as well. I was curious as to where the other copies were and discovered your post in the process.


Very cool. I had no idea this sculpture would be in Austria.

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