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10 January 2012


tacony palmyra

Ooh, it's my neighborhood.

The bodega on the NW corner of 127th changed hands and got a rehab over the last year. It's still the worst one on this strip and isn't open very late, but it's at least clean now, and handicapped-accessible via the concrete ramp (is that a new requirement?)

Also rumor has it that the space that formerly housed the Scents of Nature perfume store (and before that the "Porky and Bass" seafood sandwich place) at the NW corner of 126th is going to be a sports bar! Which would be interesting 'cause there haven't been any bars on Upper Lenox in recent history (20 years+?) and would this be the first sports bar in all of Harlem (again, in recent history-- although I guess Harlem Tavern's interior bar area is pretty dang close)?

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