On Sunday mornings I'll often walk over to Morningside Heights to get the paper, visit the farmer's market, and perhaps get a chai latte and pastry from Oren's. Sometimes that trip takes less than an hour and sometimes, like today, I start wandering around and the trip takes three hours.
Following up from last week I located two more markers this morning. The marker at top is close to the 112th and Morningside Drive entrance to the park. The marker in the second photo is the one I referred to in the previous post. It is close to the 114th and Morningside entrance. Unlike the arrow at 115th, which is not next to a park entrance, these two are pointing in the same general direction. All three markers are on the west side of the stone border that lines the walking path.
maybe ask these guys: Friends of Morningside Park http://morningsidepark.org/
Posted by: isabel | 26 March 2012 at 01:39 PM
I need to do more investigating first. I walked the upper path from 120th to 116th this evening and there were no markers.
Posted by: Joe | 26 March 2012 at 08:23 PM
probably a serious sleuth would print out a map of the park and put a nice red X to designate where each marker is located.
Posted by: Isabel | 27 March 2012 at 01:07 PM