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29 April 2012



Sorry, I hope my comments aren't too much of a nuisance. It just seems it would be a good thing to have a map of the park and put and put an X where each marker is and post it here for a good visualization of the whole picture.


Someday I may make a map. For now though I'd prefer to keep a little bit obscure for their own safety.


...oh. I always forget about things like that. you're right, of course.

Kathleen G

I found one in Central Park in the North Woods and I'm trying to figure out what they mean too.

Kathleen G

Funny though, yours are all a blue/green color, the one i found was bronze. I wonder if there's any significance behind that.


Did you ever find out more about these? There are several in Carl Schurz park on the Upper East Side and they don't seem to follow a particular pathway.


No, these fell off my radar a while ago.

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