Sometimes you come across things that just boggle the mind. I went to check some benefits stuff this evening and saw that the university has added a second box to the benefits page because people can't find the link at the top of the page.
What are the odds that the university will add a third box directing everyone to search for the hard-to-find link, which doesn't even look like a link, at the top of the page instead of MOVING THE HIDDEN LINK TO THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE AND MAKING IT LOOK LIKE A LINK? No, I do not need more help using myColumbia. The problem is not with us employees using the site. The problem is that the page is poorly designed. Fix the design and you will fix the problem.
It is not difficult to see why people have trouble finding the link. The link is hidden because it is placed between the page title and the (totally unnecessary) graphic, making it, the link, look like it belongs to the page header rather than being the most important element on the page. JEEPERS CREEPERS JUST MOVE THE 'FACULTY AND STAFF' LINK TO THE CENTER OF THE PAGE AND GET RID OF THE TWO BLUE BOXES.
I offer this advice to the university at no charge, even though they will eventually shell out big bucks to get a consultant to tell them the same exact thing.
Posted by: Readersguide | 13 July 2012 at 08:43 PM