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16 July 2012



Joe, Have been reading your blog intermittently since 2004. It has always been fun and interesting. If you don't return to posting here, just want to say thanks, I really have enjoyed it, and sorry that the mystery of the arrows in Morningside Park may never be revealed! Regards, isabel


Ditto (since 2007)


Thanks for reading!

I realized that teasing everyone with Newfoundland photos and not putting them up is unfair so I'm going to post a bunch tonight.


Everybody needs a break! I've enjoyed your blog over the years! Hope to see you back again sometime.


P.S. -- I don't mean everybody needs a break from your blog, LOL! Just that all writers need a break from time to time. You know what I mean. :)


I know what you mean!


enjoy your break. you will be missed. thank you joe.

Betsy Boyd

Dear Sir,
I saw your Mexico, NY photos on another web page. I couldn't believe it. I punched in "Beck's Hotel Mexico, NY" and up popped your photos! I am the great great granddaughter of Captain Boyd, the original proprietor of Boyd's Hotel (prior to Beck's). Thank you for the photos. I will show them to my father tomorrow. He won't believe it.
With much thanks,
B. Boyd

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