The insane slide was an unexpected bonus on my way into Putnam Park. My reason for going was to get a view of the Y Bridge. Zanesville's Y Bridge is the only three-way vehicular bridge in the country. The bridge crosses both the Muskingum and Licking Rivers. Depending on how you turn you can cross the bridge yet remain on the same side of the river. The current bridge is the fifth in a series of Y bridges that goes back to 1814.
If you've never heard of the Y Bridge you've never been to Zanesville. Zanevillians (Zanesvillites?) are very proud of the bridge. As they should be! It is featured on every piece of tourist literature for the city, county and surrounding region and there is a mural of the bridge downtown, not far from the bridge itself.
I've now driven over the Y Bridge, walked across the Tridge, the three-way pedestrian bridge in Midland, Michigan, and driven over the bridge formerly known as the Triborough Bridge in New York (which looks like a three-way bridge but is actually three separate bridges). Now I feel motivated to visit Ypsilanti so I can walk over the only other three-way bridge in the U.S. I wonder if there is an authority that issues certificates of completion for such things?
Also a source of pride is Zanesville native and current NBA star Kevin Martin. His grandparents live across the street from Putnam Park. Now that he's hit the big time Kevin really ought to spring for repairs to the crumbling front steps before grandma takes a nasty spill.
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